homeless youth

  • 2025 Calendar



    DDN Director aDiane's Bio

    Diane's Facebook Page

    Diane's books: 
    Crossing the Line: Taking Steps to End Homelessness

    Changing the Paradigm of Homelessness

    Dismazed and Driven - My Look at Family Homelessness in America

    Diane's blog: //medium.com/@dianehearus 

    Diane's Awards:

    • 2023, DuPage PADS Wake Up Your Spirit award
    • 2022, Honorary membership, ODK, SUNY, Oneonta
    • 2015, NAEHCY, Best Targeted Campaign, Worn Out Welcome Mat - KS
    • 2015, Sisters of St. Francis, Joliet, IL, Mother Alfred Moes Award
    • 2014, University of St. Francis, Joliet, IL Sister Clare Award
    • 2013, Texas Homeless Network, Kathy Reid Award
    • 2012, National Association for Education of Homeless Children Youth, Sandra Neese Lifetime Achievement Award
    • 2012, The Education Center, Naperville, Kids’ Best Friend Award

    • 2012, Georgia Alliance to End Homelessness, Community Builder Award

    • 2012, Bridge Communities, Transforming Lives Award (YouTube video of her acceptance speech)

    • 2008, Naperville Church Women United, Human Rights Award

    • 2007, NAEHCY, Outstanding Media Award

    • 2006, Kane County (IL) Hidden Hero; and University of St. Francis Award of Merit


    3 Melissas National Book Launch 
    17,  1 -3, NC New liaisons' training, Sal. Army, Raleigh, NC
    18, 10-12, Meet-Greet, Parents' Gathering, Pullen MBC, Raleigh

    18, 5:30 - 7:30, Motherhood & Homelessness, public launch, NCSU, SAS Hall #2203, 2311 Stinson Dr., Raleigh 

    27, 6 - 8 pm., 3 Melissas Book event, Boone, NC, App Theater, in conjunction with the 40th Anniversary ofHospitality House CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER. WILL RESCHEDULE.

    28, 10 - 5, Winston-Salem Bookmarks book fair 


     8, Greensboro, NC, 3 Melissas Book event
    Scuppernong Books, details TBA

    21, 5:30 pm, Riverbank Brewery, Council Grove, KS, sponsored by Flint Hills Books

    24, 5:00 pm, Lawrence, KS, Public Library FREE! Public Welcome!

    29, Our Lady of Mercy parish, 701 S Eola Rd., Aurora, IL, 6:30, Parish Life Ctr. #217, FREE, Public welcome!

    30, 6 pm University of St. Francis Education class, Joliet, IL


    2,  11 am, DeKalb, IL Public Library
    Free! Public Welcome!

    3, 6:30 pm, Sleep Out Saturday, Bridge Communities, College of DuPage lawn

    3, 10 am, DeKalb, IL Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

    5, 1:45 pm, University of St. Francis Education class, Joliet, IL

    16 -19, Orlando, FL, NAEHCY conference


    2, 5 pm, Louisa, VA Library

    3, 1 pm, Charlottesville, VA, agencies
        6 pm, Charlottesville, public

    5, Dickinson College, TBA

    7, 11 am - 2 pm, Carlisle, PA History on High

    20, Raleigh, NC CEH Gala 




     5 - 6, Bloomington, IL. ISBE McKinney-Vento liaisons' state conference; ICEARY, Illinois Coalition for Educating At-Risk Youth conference

    11, 1:30, Joliet Catholic Charities, 3M presentation to Daybreak Parents, Staff



  • About Us

    HEAR US is a unique, effective national nonprofit organization dedicated to giving voice and visibility to children and youth experiencing homelessness.

    HEAR US believes that:

    • Young people and parents experiencing homelessness are effective spokespersons. See our extensive list of HEAR US videos.
    • Caring people across the country are willing advocates for systemic change. SEE COMPASSION EPIDEMIC
    • Valuable tools to foster understanding of homeless families will enlighten those unaware-policy makers, educators, and the public. SEE PROJECTS
    • Shining a light on issues facing homeless families and youth is the best way to raise awareness and encourage local, state and national solutions. SEE on the edge: Family Homelessness in America
    • Children can learn about homelessness and help. See It's About the Children
    • Babies and toddlers in homeless situations must receive significant help (and their families need housing & services). Learn why in the HEAR US film, Littlest Nomads. 
    • Children and youth deserve the opportunity to thrive. HEAR US offers inspiration and activities in Yay Babies! Yay Kids!

    HEAR US Inc. is a 501(c)(3) corporation dependent on donations and grants to support our unique and essential mission.

    Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.  (FEIN 32-0155105)

    GuideStar listingof 990s and organizational information.
    GuideStar logo V 131x191

    Why HEAR US? - click here





  • Awareness Raising

    It's What HEAR US Does!

    Videos--powerful documentaries based on what families and youth share

    Books--children's and adult publications

    Presentations--inspiring and informative sessions geared to audiences' needs

    Advocacy--blogs, social media, mainstream media, and legislative 

    Why is it so important?

    Olga sons   Schools need quality materials to help staff identify students experiencing homelessness and understand what challenges the students face.
    Ayden morning routine   Communities need to better understand the scope of homelessness in their midst to better serve this invisible population. 
    cake and bed shelter   Media need to understand homelessness from the perspective of families and youth experiencing homelessness to better represent this issue. 
    family   Elected officals and agency personnel need to understand what families and youth experience and need to better serve this forgotten constituency. 








  • Compassion Epidemic

    30 DayCC 

    Join the HEAR US 30-Day Compassion Challenge




    HEAR US has plenty of powerful videos and books.
    Watch and share! 

    Take Action Arrow LI2


    The Charlie Book: 60 Ways to Help Homeless Kids

    by Diana Bowman

    Charlie-book cover


  • Diane's Bio_HerStory


    6 24 24 DDN bio
    This wide-ranging interview of Diane gives a glimpse into her 3+ decades
    working with families experiencing homelessness. 

    (West Suburban Living magazine, 2/2022)

    MidLife Dialogues 2-part interview of Diane gives insights about her life's work. July 2024
    Part 1
    Part 2


     Diane giving a talk
    Diane in front of her van at Ohio State UniversityDiane with her video camera

    Diane in front of her van in San Antonio Diane in front of her van at San Antonio

    Diane and her home/office/vehicle, "Tillie 2" 



  • HEAR US videos

    Check out the latest HEAR US Compassion Challenge, a 30-day calendar that connects HEAR US videos with Dismazed and Driven, Diane Nilan's latest memoir-social justice narrative.

  • HEAR US YouTube channel and/or 
  • Vimeo 
  • Since 2005, HEAR US has filmed and produced short videos to increase awareness of and sensitivity to families and youth experiencing homelessness. Here are links to these videos, with brief descriptions.

    If you'd like to show these videos to a larger audience and require a full-resolution version, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (giving ample time!).

    What is most captivating about her video work is her patience and focus—she allows her subjects, children and parents, to talk about their daily lives. Ms. Nilan places these conversations within the context of the towns, schools, and current living arrangements. Often participants discuss their struggle, but what is most affecting is seeing and feeling the struggle through the environment and emotions of the interviewee.

     Richard Feistman, PhD
    Senior Associate

    Center for Collaborative Education
    Using Our Heads and Hearts
    to Educate Youth Experiencing 

    LATEST HEAR US Videos:

    Meet the 3 Melissas (7/24) Here's an opportunity to meet Melissa A (IL), Melissa N (FL), and Melissa T (KS), the 3 women who are featured in the latest HEAR US book, The Three Melissas - The Practical Guide to Surviving Family Homelessness. (Book available Sept. '24) 5 min
    Caring Schools Make the Difference - NC (1/24) Schools in North Carolina provide support to families and students experiencing homelessness. This film features 3 moms and one youth on her own talking about their homelessness and how schools can be helpful. Funded by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, Education of Homeless Children and Youth Program. 15 min
    Homeless Liaisons Navigate Challenges in North Carolina

    (12/23) Every school district nationwide has homeless liaisons, the mostly-unsung champions for students experiencing homelessness. North Carolina has a well-trained cadre of liaisons serving students and their families. This short film takes you across the state to see and hear the liaisons in action.

    This film was funded by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, Education of Homeless Children and Youth Program.

    12:48 min
    HEAR Them: Youth Without Homes in New Mexico

    (5/22) Six New Mexico teens shared their experiences and insights about homelessness. Three teens are unaccompanied youth--without parents/guardians involved in their lives. The other three are part of a family that spent 5 months navigating homelessness before finally securing housing.

    This film was funded by the New Mexico Public Education Department, McKinney-Vento Program.

    10:09 min
    Hidden in Plain Sight - Families Experiencing Housing Instability in New Mexico

    (5/22) Four moms and a dad share their families' experiences of invisible homelessness in New Mexico, the Land of Enchantment.

    This film was funded by the NM Public Education Department's McKinney-Vento Program.

    16:15 min
    Idaho Schools: Lifesaving Connection (12/2021) For thousands of Idaho public school students, school is a lifesaver. Because of housing insecurity, these families struggle with day-to-day needs. Four women courageously describe their challenges and explain how schools have been lifesaving. Funded by the ID Department of Education's McKinney-Vento Homeless Education program.
    18:30 min
    Families Experiencing Housing Instability in Idaho (12/2021) Mothers of school-age kids in Idaho share what it's like to experience housing instability and homelessness and shine a light on what school support can mean. Funded by the ID Department of Education's McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Program.  6:49 min
    Not Homeless Enough (8/2021) Families deemed "not homeless enough" by HUD's standards struggle to find places to stay. In Dane County, including Madison, WI, hundreds of families lack housing and resources. Four parents shared their plights and hopes. (Accompanying news story from Wisconsin State Journal) 10 min.
    Capital Failure: Family Homelessness Surging

    (3/2021) When families lose housing, often they cannot turn to shelters, especially families in rural areas where no services exist. If lucky, they may end up in a motel room, but that is not a solution. Jamie shares a textbook story of her family's homelessness in a Raleigh, NC motel. 12-min.
    Capital Failure 5-min. trailer

    More info about this video and issue, http://bit.ly/3r6rt3u or www.hearus.us

    12 min


    5 min 

    Danger Within (3/2020) Diane Nilan reads a segment from her new book, Dismazed and Driven - My Look at Family Homelessness in America. This excerpt features an interview with Phil Mangano, a federal official whose reign focused on HUD's "Chronic Homelessness Initiative" at what some believe was the expense of families and youth.  5:30 min
    This Is Homelessness (3/2020) A short (3-min) excerpt from Dismazed and Driven - My Look at Family Homelessness in America.Diane Nilan's memoir/social narrative covers her 15 years of HEAR US (www.hearus.us) travels across US backroads, chronicling family homelessness while living in a small RV.
    Info: https://amzn.to/3PD4s4B
    3 min
    Ride It Out: Hurricane Michael Carnage (2/2020) Rosie's challenges after Hurricane Michael destroyed her family's home didn't stop with surviving the storm. Her life, and that of her 2 daughters, can be devastated by the aftermath, despite her impressive accomplishments. 4 min
    Desperate In OR: Homeless Families and Youth (1/2020) Some areas of Oregon lack resources for families and youth experiencing homelessness. This 4-min video features a mother, a grandmother/granddaughter, and unaccompanied youth sharing their stories. 4.5 min

    NCSU: Food Insecurity and Homelessnes 

    (1/2020) Stories of 3 NCSU students sharing their experiences of food insecurity and homelessness at North Carolina State University. 3 min.
    Invisible Homeless Families: 3 Moms, 9 Kids in Idaho (1/2020) In a very small town in rural Idaho, 3 courageous women with 3 kids each agreed to share their stories of homelessness. Spend 6-½ minutes with them and you'll catch on to the fact that family homelessness is much more prevalent than most realize. 6.5 min.

    Without a Nest: Youth on her Own in Idaho
    Alexa: Asked and Answered


    (12/2019) 18-yr.-old Alexa lives in a dilapidated camper, often without heat, water and electricity, in rural Idaho. She's struggling to graduate from high school. She has hopes and dreams. 


    Companion piece: Alexa shares suggestions for her teachers and those who have students experiencing homelessness. Perfect for professional development. 

    5 min.


    5 min.

    Parking Lot Survival (12/2019) "Sara" and 6-yr.-old "Kenny" live in a small car with their beloved dog and cat in coastal Oregon. Spend a day with them to get a sense of what it takes to survive living in a car.  5 min.
    Positively Homeless (9/2019) A mother of 5 discusses her family's homelessness plight which is worsened by HUD's exclusion of families in motels. Part of the HEAR US 2020 VisionQuestproject. 5 min.
    No Place to Call Home: Hawaii's Youth & Families in Unstable Housing

    (12/2018) What is it like to be a homeless youth or family in Hawaii? This 19-minute documentary shares stories and observations from those who live on the streets and those who try to help. (Closed captions)

    Funded by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education program of the Hawaii Department of Education.

    19 min
    Yay Babies! CA (5/2018) Take a 3-min. look at the faces of babies and toddlers as they spend the day frolicking in a Sacramento daycare center that serves The Littles who are experiencing homelessness.  3 min
    Worn Out Welcome Mat: Family Homelessness in New Jersey (3/2018) New Jersey parents and kids share what it's like to experience homelessness and what school means to them. (20 min, low res) Funded by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education program of the NJ Department of Education. 20 min.
    My Biggest Fear (3/2018) Tamu shares what it's like to be homeless with her 4 children, living in a string of (not) cheap motels in rural New Jersey. Despite the hardships, she found a bright spot. 5 min. 5 min.
    I'm Not Just a Homeless Kid (2/2017) Samantha and Tricia, teen sisters with plenty of experience being homeless, offer their poignant thoughts on what it's like, what schools do and can do, and what they see as their future. 4-minute trailer.  4 min.
    (4/2018) Samantha and Tricia offer plenty of suggestions and insights for those wondering how best to assist youth in homeless situations. 50-min. podcast perfect for professional development. PDF discussion guide. 50 min.
    Other People's Places: Doubled Up - Eleanor (FL) (3.2016) Eleanor and her young son bounced around from relative to friend, finally being kicked out in a fit of exasperation by her sister. SW Florida has few shelters for families, and Eleanor's son has disabilities that would make shelter life extremely stressful. 5 min.
    Nowhere to Go: Family Homelessness in America (6/2017) This poignant look at family homelessness conveys the dire nature facing families with nowhere to go. The film, the most-viral video HEAR US has made, was produced for the congressional briefing to support the Homeless Children and Youth Act of 2019 (HR2001).
     8 min.
    Big Hearts Needed:
    Oregon's McKinney-Vento Liaisons Share Wisdom 
    (6/2017) Oregon's McKinney-Vento homeless liaison team has been recognized as the best in the nation (http://www.icphusa.org/national/shadows-state-state-ranking-accountability-homeless-students/). This 13-minute video gives a glimpse at duties of the liaisons and lets them share invaluable advice to anyone thinking of serving in this special role. Big Hearts Neededis funded by Oregon Department of Education's McKinney-Vento program.  13 min.
    We Need a Little Time: Family & Youth Homelessness in Washington State (6/2018) Families and youth from across Washington State share what it's like to be without a place to call home. (16 minutes) We Need a Little Time is funded by the Washington State Office of Public Instruction's McKinney-Vento program. 16 min.
    What Does 'Homeless' Look Like: Family and Youth Homelessness in New Hampshire (4/2017) This video explores family and youth homelessness in the Granite State. Excellent film for professional development to help staff understand family/youth homelessness from the viewpoint of those experiencing it, and for anyone interested in learning more about family/youth homelessness. 18 min.
    Nowhere to Go: Idaho's Homeless Families and Youth (10/2016) This video gives voice to parents experiencing homelessness in the Gem State, Idaho. Shelters are scarce, as is affordable housing, leaving families scrambling. Funded by the ID Department of Education, McKinney-Vento program. 10 min.
    Time: Family and Youth Homelessness in the NorthWest (2017) A compilation of Diane's interviews from her 2016 Pacific Northwest trip. Perfect for a quick share!  5 min.
    Yay Babies!
    (2016) This  HEAR US short video is designed to inspire local awareness of and compassion for homeless babies. Share widely! 2 min.


    Title/Series Link, subject Length

    MyOwn4Walls logo 500

     My Own Four Walls (playlist)

     Contains 4 videos--

     My Own Four Walls children/youth talking about their homelessness and what school means to them, original full-length 

    > Life Filled With Benches (homeless youth)

    > Littlest Nomads (homeless babies/toddlers)

          > Littlest Nomads3 min. trailer

    > REACH (McKinney-Vento explanation for parents, guardians, etc.)

    My Own Four Walls trailer - Highlights from My Own Four Walls


    20 min.

    13 min.

    11 min.

    3 min.

    11 min.

    4 min.

    ote new FB logo

    on the edge                                                                                                       

    Highlights from the 7 women (including unaccompanied youth) who share their stories about homelessness.  >  4-min trailer   
    > 8-min trailer 
    > Feature length (60 min)
    > Columbia University School of Social Work students discuss OTE  


    60 min.


    Our Greatest Fear Christina, a mom in Sarasota, FL, describes their once-stable family's fall into homelessness.  4:40 min
    PA Homeless Families

    A courageous group of kids without homes in PA tell viewers just what it's like. They are among tens of thousands (yes!) of kids without homes in PA...and among millions (yes!) in the U.S. 

    4:30 min.
    Worn Out Welcome Mat - KS

    Explores doubled up homelessness among families and youth in Kansas. 

     (Funded by the Kansas Dept. of Education, McKinney-Vento program)

    20 min.

    Worn Out Welcome Mat - KS shorts


    Excerpts from KS interviews.

     > Hector Has His Say - young boy shares his thoughts about being homeless.

    > Melissa: It's All About Sex - Melissa and her 7-yo daughter have bounced between being doubled up, shelter, back to doubled up, their own place and more. Her story is a brutal one to watch, even worse to live.

    > Marine Mama - Candace, a Marine, and her 4-yo daughter tumbled into homelessness and have doubled up with family and friends, bouncing in and out of shelters, despite her best efforts to get on her feet.

    > Lifeline Needed- "Maggie" and her 2 teen daughters have bounced around from state to state, homeless because of domestic violence... a desperate situation.

    >Daughter's Drum Not Silenced - Senta thought her daughter would not be able to continue playing drum in the band when they lost their housing. This HEAR US McKinney-Vento Minute story shares a happy note in their upended world. 

    > Doubled Up, Desperate - Melissa and her 7-yo daughter bounced between bad-to-worse temporary places to stay in their 3 years of homelessness.


    1:30 min.

    4:00 min.


    2:45 min.


    2:00 min.


    1:30 min.

    1:00 min 

    Camp IBA!


    This 7-min. video shows highlights from one week of Camp IBA (Imagine! Believe! Achieve!), a project of Wichita School District 259's McKinney-Vento Homeless Education program. Filmed and produced by Diane Nilan, HEAR US Inc. (June 15-19, 2015)

    7:00 min

    Splash! Kids at Camp IBA got to enjoy swimming on a hot KS day. Here's a delightful look at their fun.


    Worn Out Welcome Mat - TX

    Diane traveled all across Texas to interview families and youth living in doubled up situations.

    HEAR US Worn Out Welcome Mat TX project was funded by: The US Department of Education (USDE), the Texas Education Agency (TEA), Region 10, the University of Texas at Austin, the Charles A. Dana Center (UT Dana Center), and the Texas Homeless Education office (THEO).

    20:00 min

    Worn Out Welcome Mat - TX  


     Excerpts from TX interviews

    > Oyuki-Hard to Explain Homelessness - How does a mother explain to her young children that they don't have a home?  Oyuki shares her family's struggles with being doubled up and worse.

    > Ira's Story - Highly mobile, to say the least, Ira and his family are crammed in a small house with relatives. Being doubled up takes its toll on this impressive young man. 

    > Olga: Dreams and Dusty Roads - Olga and her 8 children were crammed in a small camper with her aging, infirm, impoverished parents in Donna, TX. That was bad enough.

    > Leia and Family - After losing their mobile home, Leia and her children have bounced around, dependent on others for a roof over their heads. 

    > Homeless in Donna ISD - Olga, a devoted mom with her 8 children, was living with her infirm, impoverished parents in a small, ramshackle camper. 

    > Ellen, Ellen, Your Fans Need Your Help!- Despite their dire homelessness situation, Olga and her 8 children lit up when they spoke of Ellen DeGeneres, smiling superstar talk show host. They expressed their invitation to Ellen to visit them in Donna, TX.


    4:00 min.


    2:30 min.


    4:00 min.

    2:30 min.

    4:00 min.

    4:00 min.

     Shelter You  The beautifully haunting music by Marybeth Saunders, I Will Shelter You, inspires viewers to respond compassionately with homeless families and youth.  4:00 min.
    We Had It One Day - Lupe's Story  Lupe shares her story of loss of housing and belongings, including having their belongings auctioned, including sensitive personal items. As millions of households fall into homelessness, storage facilities can be the solution, or add to the problem.   4:00 min
     Demise of the Oglethorpe Inn  Ousted Oglethorpe Inn (GA) tenants empty to the street in Feb. 2011. Part 2 is a March 2013 look at what happened. For more of the story, check out Diane's blog at AlterNet. http://www.alternet.org/speakeasy/diane-nilan/peach-state-legislators-accomplished-causing-homelessness  7:00 min.

     Many Faces of Homelessness


    Exploring invisible homelessness--families and youth--in support of the campaign to align HUD's definition of homelessness with that used by the US Department of Education (www.helphomelesskidsnow.org)

    > Ayele and Family Near Disney World- On a neon-lit strip near Florida's Disney World, homeless families mix with tourists in the same motels. Those homeless, like the 6 people in Ayele's family, cram together, eking out an existence that's easily upended. See the turmoil of millions of families and youth who will find themselves stuck in motel-homelessness. 

    > Brandy, Kenny and Kids- Brandy, Kenny and their 4 kids bounced around since Oct. 2011, stuck in the cycle of motel room after motel room, like countless homeless families. Determined to survive, they tough it out, but homelessness is taking a toll on their family life, shredding their marriage and upending their kids' stability. HUD wouldn't consider them homeless.

    > Alexis - Alexis found herself without a place to stay when she was 17. She examines what that meant to her and how she survived. She's one of millions of kids without a place to live. And her living with others is not considered "homeless" by HUD.

    > April - April and her family found themselves homeless and had to turn to a friend for a place to stay. That created hardships for her children, and would exclude the family from HUD housing assistance because they were not "truly homeless."

    > Pass Homeless Children & Youth Act - This short film shows why we need to pass HR 32, the Homeless Children and Youth Act.

    > So They Say- Homelessness for families and teens has long been ignored by Congress and HUD. From what they're proposing for the DEFINITION of HOMELESS, it's obvious that they don't understand the realities facing over 1.5 million homeless teens, children and families.

    > Preschool In Motels - Families, with no place to turn, sometimes end up staying in cramped motel rooms instead of living on the streets. This family, a mom with 5 children, struggles to make the best of their situation, which could be worse, and could be better. 

    4:00 min.



    2:30 min.



    2:00 min. 


    2:30 min.


    3:00 min.


    2:30 min.


    1:30 min.

     Life Is But A Dream The pitter-patter of little feet, the cooing of babies...not sounds typically attributed to homelessness, yet almost 50% of the over 1.5 million [now 2.5 mil+] children in America are under the age of 5.

    The Campaign to End Child Homelessness invites people to speak out on behalf of children in America who, with their families, have no place to call home. Life is but a Dream (music by Sara Thomsen, used with permission) provides the inspiration....

     4:30 min.
    Held By Angels  The comforting song, HOLY ANGELS, by the Three Altos (www.threealtos.com), wraps itself around HEAR US kids in My Own Four Walls(www.hearus.us).  3:30 min.
     Becky Blasts Homelessness Stereotypes  Homeless, with no shelter other than a small pop-up camper, Becky and her family in central Michigan endured months of brutally cold weather and multiple challenges to survival. This didn't stop her compassion and courage.   3:45 min.
    We Didn't Ask to be Here The story of one desperate family in Idaho--in 4 minutes you'll hear how bad things can get and how little help is out there.  4:38




  • Our Mission

    The HEAR US mission is to give voice and visibility to children and youth experiencing homelessness.baby-snowbank.jpg

    This organization produces poignant films and books that are used by educators, social service personnel and other audiences to call attention to the invisible crisis of millions of families with children and young people who struggle without a place to call home.

    • HEAR US addresses audiences at conferences, university and college students, and a variety of gatherings to foster a greater understanding of homelessness.
    • HEAR US joins with like-minded organizations to inform public policy based on what the experts--those experiencing homelessness--think is needed.
    • HEAR US also facilitates media connections for homeless families/youth, and is quite active on social media, shining a light on the need to repair the torn safety net that leaves millions--babies, toddlers, school kids, teens and young adults, and adults-- on the streets. 

    Since 2005, HEAR US has been a national force advocating for families and youth experiencing homelessness.

    USA map small

    HEAR US has made statewide McKinney-Vento films for:

    Texas, Kansas, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Hawaii, New Mexico, North Carolina

    Filming also in:

    Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois,
    New York, California, Louisiana, Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Michigan, 
    New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, Vermont, Wisconsin, Tennessee 

    DDN Colorful cameraMy contribution to our nation's conundrum of family homelessness is HEAR US.  
    Our videos, books and presentations illuminate the magnitude of this issue. The greater the understanding of how many babies, toddlers, children and youth are without a place to call home, the more enlightened our response will be. That’s the theory. And it tends to work in most places.

    Diane D. Nilan
    HEAR US Inc.

    Diane in front of Tillie2, her van, at Ohio State following a radio interview.

    Diane in front of her van at Ohio State



  • Why is HEAR US needed?

     No national organization does what HEAR US does...
    gives voice and visibility to children and youth
    experiencing homelessness...

    Rumi testifies to congress

    Despite the reality that homelessness affects millions of families with children and youth on their own...

    Who listens to homeless kids?

    HEAR US was part of an unprecedented Congressional hearing that had homeless children and youth informing legislators about what it is like to face homelessness.

    Rumi (photo, left), an 11-yo from Pennsylvania, courageously shared his story to the legislators, and was so compelling that CNN invited him and Diane to be on the air two times following the hearing! 

    young boy talks about homelessness

    HEAR US is flexible enough to respond quickly to opportunities that share homeless families/youth stories of homelessness. This short video, PA Homeless Families, was quickly made upon request of a shelter director in Carlisle, PA, to share their kids' observations on homelessness with PA legislators.

    aaron tells of his family's homelessnessWhen asked to create a short, powerful video for a congressional briefing on families experiencing homelessness, HEAR US produced Nowhere To Go: Family Homelessness in America.


    Here's a list of HEAR US videos from across the country.

    Who knows much about homeless families?

    Homeless families are the experts about homelessness! HEAR US provides opportunities for homeless families and youth to tell their stories. Among the acclaimed documentaries HEAR US made early on:

    HEAR US facilitates opportunities for homeless children, parents and youth to speak with media.  

    HEAR US does this and so much more! This unique organization combines 40+ years experience working with homeless families, youth and individuals with the passion to advocate for systemic change.

    Since 2005, HEAR US has filled the gap, met the need, created useful, award-winning tools to raise awareness of and sensitivity to homeless children and youth, and insisted that homelessness can be alleviated.Your support is needed to continue the work of HEAR US! 


  • Worn Out Welcome Mat


    identified as

    'homeless' by 

    schools are

    doubled up.



    Worn Out Welcome Mat

    Participating States: 








    The largest segment of the homeless population: those doubled up or staying with others because of loss of housing or other issue. 

    Doubled up--a difficult concept for some to grasp (doubled up is not considered "homeless" by HUD, keeping these families and youth from vital assistance - Diane's blog explains it). The perils of living doubled up are often hidden, with millions experiencing the Worn Out Welcome Mat syndrome, a stressful, highly-mobile existence for millions who have lost their home and have nowhere to go.

    Schools struggle to sort out doubled up for "convenience" and doubled up as homeless. (From the National Center on Homeless Education: Resources to help schools understand doubled up.)

    Families and youth who have lost housing and move in with others don't often self-identify as "homeless" for many reasons: fear of children being put into the foster care system, parental shame, lack of awareness of how their (lack of) housing status can qualify them for assistance, and more.

    Educational Leadership Journalpublished an article, written by Vicky Dill of the Texas Homeless Education Office (THEO), an excellent explanation of "doubled up" and the impact on families/youth. (PDF) The article contains vignettes of stories, and links to YouTube selections filmed by HEAR US for the Texas Worn Out Welcome Mat project.

    HEAR US, through our Worn Out Welcome Mat project, give families and youth the opportunity to share the challenges of being doubled up with nowhere to go. 

    HEAR US invites people of compassion to urge your elected officials (federal) to expand HUD's definition of "homeless" so families/youth in doubled up situations will be eligible for more assistance. MORE INFO: www.helphomelesskidsnow.org 

    HEAR US welcomes the opportunity to work with state departments of education, via their McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth programs, to create a local Worn Out Welcome Mat. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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