homeless students

  • Homeless Education Rights

     Understanding McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Rights

    Homeless students have strong rights regarding their education. This section will attempt to present those rights in a way that will be helpful to homeless families and teens, educators, shelter staff, and persons concerned about access to education for the millions of kids without homes in this country.

    HEAR US thanks these partner organizations for providing comprehensive educational resources on the issue of families and youth experiencing homelessness:

    SHC color slogan

    SchoolHouse Connection,
    a resource for all things related to education, birth through higher ed, offers a plethora of information.


    nche logo
    National Center for Homeless Education 
    provides resources for students, parents, educators and anyone concerned about educational access for students experiencing homelessness. 


  • My Own Four Walls '05


    My Own Four Walls...
    ...the first and best film
    HEAR US ever made!
    My Own 4 Walls logoFilmed by
    Diane Nilan

    Edited by Dr. Laura Vazquez, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, and her filmmaking students. 

    (c) 2007


    My Own Four Walls, Diane's first film, before she knew anything about filmmaking or RVing. 

    Back in 2005, Diane set out on an improbable journey across the US to capture images and wisdom from kids experiencing homelessness. 

    She went to places not thought of as having homeless kids--small towns, mid-size cities, rural areas, resort communities--and was connected to plenty of kids willing to share their stories. She got parental/guardian permission and then just let the kids talk. 

    In March 2007, My Own Four Walls was released. 

    The original DVD contained 4 videos. Those are now available on a YouTube playlist.

    Discussion Guide

    Perfect film to train school staff on the importance of the McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth Act!

    Ideal for all ages.  


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