
  • HEAR US Books

     HEAR US offers superb books to help adults and kids understand homelessness. 

    Diane's Books About Homelessness Charles Bruce Foundation Books
     About Kids' Homelessness for Kids
    Book About How to Help
    Homeless Kids 

    NEW (Sept. 24)!!!1 3M THEcover

    The first book by homeless moms for homeless moms*
    (*parents, guardians)

    dismazed and driven book

    Dismazed and Driven - My Look at Family Homelessness in America

    Released November 2020 

    Crossing the Line book

    Crossing the Line:
    Taking Steps to End Homelessness

    by Diane Nilan

    Paradigm book cover

     Changing the Paradigm of Homelessness 

    by Yvonne Vissing, Christopher Hudson and Diane Nilan


    Books available through mainstream book vendors (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.) and independent book stores.

    Schools/organizations may use PURCHASE ORDERS to order from HEAR US.
    Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

     - Priscilla Series -

    • Priscilla the Princess
      of the Park
    • Priscilla and the Snow Fort
    • Priscilla and the Bishop's Gambit
    • Priscilla's Picnic with the President

    Pat LaMarche's delightful  series of children's chapter books on homelessness! They are kids' books that will delight and enlighten kids and adults!

    Priscilla Princess book cover

    Priscilla snow fort cover

    Priscilla Bishop book

    Priscilla picnic with the president book

    Priscilla Pals in the park

    Priscilla and her Pals in the Park

    Written by Pat LaMarche to be read to younger children, this will enlighten older readers, too! 


    Pat's hardcover and e-books available through the Charles Bruce Foundationand Amazon.

    Kursid Kids

    Kursid Kids 

    Written by an 8-year-old boy, Ronan, Pat LaMarche's grandson,  
    ...this book weaves an elaborate science fantasy through a fabric of injustice. You will fall in love with the characters - most of them. You will ponder the same question Ronan asked in the car that dark night as he thought about his housing-insecure classmates, "Who will make things right in a world where so much is wrong?"

    Sequel to Kursid Kids!



    Pat's hardcover and e-books available through the Charles Bruce Foundation and Amazon.

    Charlie-book cover

    The Charlie Book:

    60 Ways to Help Homeless Kids

    by Diana Bowman

    Available through
    HEAR US Square Site.
     $12 + s/h

    The Charlie Book is also available as an e-book from Amazon. 






  • Our Mission

    The HEAR US mission is to give voice and visibility to children and youth experiencing

    This organization produces poignant films and books that are used by educators, social service personnel and other audiences to call attention to the invisible crisis of millions of families with children and young people who struggle without a place to call home.

    • HEAR US addresses audiences at conferences, university and college students, and a variety of gatherings to foster a greater understanding of homelessness.
    • HEAR US joins with like-minded organizations to inform public policy based on what the experts--those experiencing homelessness--think is needed.
    • HEAR US also facilitates media connections for homeless families/youth, and is quite active on social media, shining a light on the need to repair the torn safety net that leaves millions--babies, toddlers, school kids, teens and young adults, and adults-- on the streets. 

    Since 2005, HEAR US has been a national force advocating for families and youth experiencing homelessness.

    USA map small

    HEAR US has made statewide McKinney-Vento films for:

    Texas, Kansas, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Hawaii, New Mexico, North Carolina

    Filming also in:

    Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois,
    New York, California, Louisiana, Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Michigan, 
    New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, Vermont, Wisconsin, Tennessee 

    DDN Colorful cameraMy contribution to our nation's conundrum of family homelessness is HEAR US.  
    Our videos, books and presentations illuminate the magnitude of this issue. The greater the understanding of how many babies, toddlers, children and youth are without a place to call home, the more enlightened our response will be. That’s the theory. And it tends to work in most places.

    Diane D. Nilan
    HEAR US Inc.

    Diane in front of Tillie2, her van, at Ohio State following a radio interview.

    Diane in front of her van at Ohio State



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